On this page
2.7.6 (May 6, 2024)
Patch Changes
Add CHANGELOG.md to production plugin bundle
Update tested up to version to 6.5.2
2.7.5 (Mar 8, 2023)
Fixed: Escaped shortcode booleans (loop, overlay, tap to unmute)
2.7.4 (Jan 20, 2023)
Fixed: Escaped shortcode input (container field, and other attributes)
2.7.3 (Aug 23, 2022)
Fixed: Fixes a bug introduced in v2.7.2 where the metabox does not appear on some UNIX systems
2.7.2 (Aug 23, 2022)
Fixed: Upgraded CMB2 from 2.2.1 to 2.10.1
Fixed: Fixed critical errors seen when using UpdraftPlus 1.22.16 via the above CMB2 update
2.7.1 (Feb 02, 2019)
Fixed: Remove tap to unmute button when video background can’t be played
2.7.0 (May 8, 2018)
Added: You can now add a video background to your WPBakery (Visual Composer) row!
Added: You can now add a video background to your SiteOrigin Page Builder row!
Added: vidbg_update_message() to let users know of crucial updates
Removed: vidbg_is_wp_version()
Removed: Pesky Video Background Pro fields
Updated: Settings page slug
Fixed: Simplified the plugin’s resize methods.
Added: As a result of recent browser autoplay policy changes, the default audio on option has been removed. Now, you can add a nice “Tap to unmute” button to the video background!
2.6.3 (Sep 27, 2017)
Fixed: ability to display just fallback image.
Fixed: if fallback image is present, but video files are not. The video will not load to save on browser page size.
2.6.2 (Sep 27, 2017)
Added: version to wp_register_style()
2.6.1 (Sep 26, 2017)
Fixed: Critical issue with the [vidbg] shortcode not displaying video backgrounds.
2.6.0 (Sep 26, 2017)
Fixed: Compatibility issue with IOS 11 and High Sierra
Added: Reengineered vidbg scripts for more consistency across websites and faster loading speeds
Added: All instances of Video Background are now ran straight from the shortcode for more consistency.
Fixed: Compatibility issues in the opacity slider
Added: WordPress required version is now 4.2
2.5.8 (Aug 8, 2016)
Fixed: Conditionally enqueue vidbg script
2.5.7 (July 19, 2016)
Added ability to filter the post types using “vidbg_post_types” filter.
2.5.6 (July 6, 2016)
Fixed compatibility issues with other CMB2 instances
2.5.5 (June 28, 2016)
Fixed notice issue when hide muted fields checkbox was checked
2.5.4 (June 26, 2016)
Fixed a bug that made the browser position jump when clicking the “Advanced Options” button
Added better localization support for translations
Cleaner code, well documented.
Added Muted Video Background Pro fields (Do not worry, you can hide these)
Added new stable tag for WP 4.5.3
2.5.3 (June 6, 2016)
2.5.2 (June 6, 2016)
Added fade in/out transitions on advanced panel
Simplified/cleaned up a lot of code
Added security
Some small but helpful new styles
Update admin notice for new pro version
2.5.1 (May 14, 2016)
Added “Follow me on Twitter” button
Added premium notice message for those on WP 4.2 or greater
updated language file
2.5.0 (April 21, 2016)
Added Overlay Color
Added Overlay Alpha
Added ability to upload video files through wordpress media
Safer metaboxes
Added localization for translations in the future
added text domain and languages folder
Cleaned up source files
Integrated with CMB2
Added donate link
Updated stable tag
2.4.1 (Dec 12, 2015)
Removed those pesky php notices on blog page when no front page was set and WP_DEBUG was true
Updated tested up to tag
2.4.0 (Dec 06, 2015)
Now stable for WordPress 4.4
Modified links to new URL
Now using official version of vidbg.js from github.
Added shortcode attributes for unmute, overlay, and loop.
2.3.0 (Oct 16, 2015)
Changed position value when container is set to “body” from “absolute” to “fixed”
Dissolved pattern image and upgraded to data uri svg
Cleaned up and optimized code
2.2.3 (Oct 8, 2015)
Fixed typo in settings submenu
2.2.2 (Oct 7, 2015)
Fixed blurred circle play button bug on iOS 9
2.2.1 (Oct 1, 2015)
Cleaned up code
Added donate link
2.2.0 (Sep 30, 2015)
Fixed notices on 404 page when debug mode is set to true
Fixed blog posts page video background.
2.1.4 (Sep 22, 2015)
Added toggle loop
Added toggle mute
Added advanced section toggle
Got rid of the getting started row in the metabox
2.1.3 (Sep 18, 2015)
Added last versions changelog
Added FAQ
2.1.2 (Sep 18, 2015)
Updated links in readme.txt
2.1.1 (Sep 18, 2015)
Added FAQ
Added instructions on settings page
Cleaned up code
Changed plugin compatibility
2.1.0 (Sep 15, 2015)
Added overlay featured
Cleaned up code, added comments, etc.
Dissolved OGV featured, now use video background with only MP4 and WEBM.
2.0.1 (Sep 15, 2015)
2.0.0 (Sep 13, 2015)
Video Background: Now in a metabox! No longer do you have to worry about generating a shortcode.
1.0.6 (Sep 13, 2015)
1.0.4 (Sep 12, 2015)
Getting Started/settings page added
1.0.3 (Sep 12, 2015)
1.0.2 (Sep 12, 2015)
1.0.1 (Sep 12, 2015)
Updated Assets
Updated Readme
1.0 (Sep 10, 2015)
2.7.6 (May 6, 2024) 2.7.5 (Mar 8, 2023) 2.7.4 (Jan 20, 2023) 2.7.3 (Aug 23, 2022) 2.7.2 (Aug 23, 2022) 2.7.1 (Feb 02, 2019) 2.7.0 (May 8, 2018) 2.6.3 (Sep 27, 2017) 2.6.2 (Sep 27, 2017) 2.6.1 (Sep 26, 2017) 2.6.0 (Sep 26, 2017) 2.5.8 (Aug 8, 2016) 2.5.7 (July 19, 2016) 2.5.6 (July 6, 2016) 2.5.5 (June 28, 2016) 2.5.4 (June 26, 2016) 2.5.3 (June 6, 2016) 2.5.2 (June 6, 2016) 2.5.1 (May 14, 2016) 2.5.0 (April 21, 2016) 2.4.1 (Dec 12, 2015) 2.4.0 (Dec 06, 2015) 2.3.0 (Oct 16, 2015) 2.2.3 (Oct 8, 2015) 2.2.2 (Oct 7, 2015) 2.2.1 (Oct 1, 2015) 2.2.0 (Sep 30, 2015) 2.1.4 (Sep 22, 2015) 2.1.3 (Sep 18, 2015) 2.1.2 (Sep 18, 2015) 2.1.1 (Sep 18, 2015) 2.1.0 (Sep 15, 2015) 2.0.1 (Sep 15, 2015) 2.0.0 (Sep 13, 2015) 1.0.6 (Sep 13, 2015) 1.0.4 (Sep 12, 2015) 1.0.3 (Sep 12, 2015) 1.0.2 (Sep 12, 2015) 1.0.1 (Sep 12, 2015) 1.0 (Sep 10, 2015)